Who am I…
Born and raised in Seattle, I have lived and learned in Tampa, Orlando, Syracuse, Norman, Hawaii, and many more. Growing up in a myriad of places, I’ve learned to love all types of people and settings and not be afraid to fail and grow.
I have spent the last three years at the University of Central Florida on a BFA Acting track. Before that, I was at Florida State University double majoring in Nursing and Theatre. During my time at FSU, I knew I was missing something. I knew I lacked the place and opportunity to really define myself and experience the growth I needed. I found that I was missing being a performer and a creative. So despite the beautiful campus and fascinating nightlife, I transferred and I haven’t looked back since. My time with UCF has been magical. I have grown not only into a better performer but one with depth beyond what I thought I was capable of.
I'm an Actor, Singer, and Dancer by education but I’ve been writing scripts and directing stage shows since I was in High School. My craft, my love of theatre, and the art of action are driven by my anxiety to understand my own human condition and my need to find and dissect other people’s true condition. Character and finding the human on the page is a process I find both beautiful and mystifying. Above all else, taking a character apart, understanding who they are and the world they live in, why they are who they are, is my passion. My training is anchored in Stanislavski, Uta Hagan, and Meisner, although I have studied Chekhov and Strasberg.
I was brought up watching and embracing cinema in a way I can only describe poetically. At a very young age, the gap for which one individual might start being allowed to see R-rated movies was dropped, and my grandmother against my parents’ goodwill, allowed me to see Blood Diamond for the first time. Imagine a four-year-old, yes that young, watching a Leonardo DiCaprio movie about the blood diamond trade, child soldiers, and African apartheid. You’d think he was scared or careless, but instead, he was enamored. From that day on, my dad embraced my interest in films and the new regular my grandmother prescribed and started going to the movies with me every weekend. I grew up watching Game of Thrones every Sunday and Boardwalk Empire every Saturday. I still remember seeing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Gone Girl in theatres sparking my interest in David Finchers bizarre filmmaking. His fine-tuned approach to sound, dialogue, and cinematography has informed a lot of what and how I discuss character while I’m diving into a role.
Actor/ Singer/ Dancer/ Writer/ Director
Mackenzie Prince
My passions outside of Theatre are numerous and ever-changing but there are few things I love more than Cooking, Films, and writing.
Writing, to me, has always been a place of solitude for me. It has consistently been a late-night, one-beer, quiet ambiance, which inspires words to spill and creativity to spark. From the minutia of my mundane days, I’ve used writing, either for myself, for others, in letter format, for a script, or even for myself, to expose how I feel and grapple with a reality I’m a part of. Allowing my thoughts to bleed onto a page, so they can breathe, spread out, and be seen; it brings reflection to even the most senseless of thoughts. It brings clarity to confusion, and it allows for the piece to force its way when peace seems impossible. We all have days where our heads reckon with our sanity and our anxiety truly comes at a cost. Those are the days I write, and I write to make sure those days feel like an impossibility.
I have spent the last 10 years cooking exorbitantly. Cooking in restaurants, small delis, or just mom-and-pop places; jobs here and there, and working for no money has been a constant in my life. I love working in that atmosphere. In a lot of ways, my last cook job taught me how similar cooking was to acting. There is a precision, an art, a beauty to the way you build a dish, to the care you bestow upon it when you serve. My love of homecooked meals and late-night improved dishes for friends and co-workers is what keeps me going during long days and even longer weeks.